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Let the counseling room really escort the mental health

  With the deepening of education reform, the all-round development of students becomes the dominant idea of education. The basic Education Department of the Ministry of Education in 2017 points out that to promote mental health education in primary and secondary schools, and to monitor the moral and psychological health of primary and secondary school students, the psychological health education is once again pushed to the public.

  As an important measure to promote quality education, mental health education in schools has received more and more attention, and the construction of mental health of primary and middle school students should not be neglected. The field of basic education is an important stage of cultivating personality, and the development of coping mechanism of primary and middle school students in physiology and psychology is immature. However, the relevant data show that the mental health status of primary and secondary school students in China is not optimistic, according to the 2015 Xinjiang and Primary and secondary school mental health education situation sampling GAO indicated that the current Xinjiang primary and middle school students mental health damage rate of up to 40%, among them, junior high school students, ethnic minorities, girls

  A construction investment from scratch

  In response to the 2012 Ministry of Education issued the "Guidelines for mental health education in primary and secondary schools" (hereinafter referred to as the outline), the implementation of the "Central Committee of the CPC to further strengthen and improve the ideological and moral construction of minors", many schools by policy Dongfeng, have invested in the establishment of a large and The beginning of everything is difficult, psychological counseling room from scratch, is the first step into mental health education, this step for students psychological opened a door.

  However, in the outline, only the establishment of mental health education counseling room and stable mental health professional teachers of the general direction, there is no planning rules, so early psychological counseling room facilities are relatively simple and uneven distribution, and the teaching concept of long-term psychological health education lack of correct understanding, so that the new psychological counseling room empty. As far as the author's personal experience is concerned, the most common solution to the students ' psychological problems in primary and secondary schools is the teacher interview, no professional equipment venting, no professional psychological teacher counseling, most problems can only be digested.

  From there to a single-minded normative management

  In order to strengthen the construction of mental health education position and promote the healthy growth of primary and secondary school students, the Ministry of Education issued the guide for the construction of psychological counseling room in 2015, and put forward the equipment problem of psychological counseling room. The document clearly presents the basic staffing of the counseling room: such as the consultation Chair or sofa, multimedia equipment, sand table, psychological assessment system, mental health self-help system, the promotion of conditional areas can be equipped with more professional equipment.

  The Ministry of Education, a paper, set off a psychological counseling room equipment procurement craze. Music provinces and cities in accordance with the Ministry of Education document Spirit, the establishment of more tin psychological counseling room equipment tear off documents, to ensure that the psychological counseling room equipment, the normative and security, to provide students with psychological and physiological oasis. Zhejiang Province stipulates that the psychological counseling room should adopt 330w color temperature of three primary colors burn light: Indoor empty N of relative humidity should be between 35% to 75%: Indoor environment Shan Sound should not be higher than 50CIB noise-proof effect Gao should be less than 40CIB: Inner Mongolia clearly pointed out to eliminate the use of mental health and safety of students and equipment: Nanchang clearly stipulates that psychological counseling room construction should be divided into easy-type, standard-type, model-type 3 types, each standard of the H-configuration of different, the city more than 800 ( The primary and secondary schools containing 800 students should be model-oriented.

  From specialization to refinement

  The psychological door is opened, the safety of equipment has also been insured tong, the most important step is in the teaching process.

  As the teaching facilities of psychological education, the psychological counseling room plays an important role in the prevention and solution of students ' psychological behavior. However, there are many problems in the implementation of concrete teaching: the school does not offer mental health curriculum, ignoring the guiding function of psychological education teaching activities on the development of students ' mental health, the psychological counseling room only acts as a device; the school psychological Health education and teaching practice activities are separated, there is a curriculum tendency, the lack of professional and high-quality psychological teaching staff, can not guarantee the psychological counseling room with basic teacher resources ...

  The school psychological health education should take the teacher in the daily teaching activity as the foothold, take the psychological course teaching as the main channel, take the psychological guidance room as the supplementary section, carry on the rich and colorful mental health education activity, comprehensively promote the mental health education system consummation.

  In this way, the psychological counseling room can be useful, the campus psychological health education investment is not wasted, the National Advanced Quality Education Macro strategy can be implemented, the mental health measures of primary and secondary students can really get on track!

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